Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Permaquit Stop Smoking Method - Revolutionary New System


, 14 May 2012
RE:        The Truth About Quitting Smoking
From:    Paul Peyton   (Ex ‘30 a day’ smoker)

Dear Soon to be Ex-Smoker,
You’re probably reading this because you’re worried about your health and realize you need to quit smoking.  Or perhaps cigarettes are becoming too expensive, and you can’t afford to keep buying them anymore.  
But I’m also guessing that you’ve probably tried to quit more than once – maybe trying different methods – but something keeps dragging you back to them...  
You get bad-tempered and depressed when you try to quit.  You just enjoy them too much.
They relax you.   They help you focus.   You just can’t help yourself after a couple of drinks.  “Now’s just not the right time”…    Sound familiar?  
But what if I told you:
           That the methods you’d been using to quit were actually making it harder,
        not easier?
           That quitting smoking doesn’t have to be difficult at all
           That you could stop today, and wake up tomorrow without any anxiety,
              stress or  terrible cravings
Imagine if you could easily use the same method that allowed me – a heavy smoker for more than 14 years – to permanently quit overnight...  Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Well, guess what - you can.   In fact, ANYONE can do it.  

But first, you need to understand where you've gone wrong in the past...   


Your previous attempts to quit did NOT fail because you're weak, or because you're "too badly hooked". 
Nor did they fail because quitting smoking is hard…  
They failed because the outdated methods you used only tackled 10% of the problem -  just the very tip of the iceberg.

I'm referring to willpower methods such as "cold turkey" and "cutting down".  

I'm referring to nicotine patches, inhalers and gum.  Electronic cigarettes.  Herbal pills.  Injections and drugs. 
All these methods target only your physicalnicotine dependence.  They treat your addiction as if it were a simple physical problem requiring ‘medicine’. 
But nicotine addiction is NOT a simple physical problem.  Physical dependence is just a tiny part of your overall addiction. 
You see, none of those methods fix the REALproblem - the other 90% of your addiction that is hidden beneath the surface...
You must understand that it is not your physical dependence on nicotine that keeps you trapped in the smoking cycle. 
It is something much deeper and more complex...
The REAL problem – the other 90% that has sunk all your attempts to quit – is mental.

You see, nicotine has chemically altered your brain’s dopamine reward system.  Whilst that is a physical process, the effect is a psychological one. 

An artificial need for nicotine has been embedded in your subconscious, and it’s at this subconscious level where the worst cravings are generated.  
Using methods like willpower or Nicotine Replacement Therapy might stop the physical flow of nicotine... 
...but the mental addiction remains deeply rooted in your subconscious, like a virus.
And it keeps on relentlessly producing those cravings, long after the physical nicotine flow has stopped.... 
The good news?   This “mental virus” can be removed.   
But it can only be removed completely by using targeted psychotherapeutic techniques.  
NOT by ignoring it and hoping it will go away.  And CERTAINLY NOT by throwing even more nicotine at it, in the form of patches or gum.
You MUST deal with BOTH parts of your addiction the right way, or you will keep getting those cravings forever...

For more information:


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