Friday, March 22, 2013

The Diet Solution Program

*The testimonials posted below are not extreme cases nor can we claim that they are all “typical”. For those who wish and allow us, we are happy to display their accomplishments. Some of the testimonials have been condensed (we sometimes receive long letters), but the results have never been altered in any way, fashion or form. We are very proud of what the Diet Solution has done for many people and we hope you are too.

Karen and Stewart Parker
Karen and Stewart Parker New Zealand
“This was a reminder for me as this was how I started in the first place with your 3 main tips. Then after a week and a half and starting to see results we bought the Diet Solution program. I am loving it. I am definitely seeing results and feeling heaps better. So is my husband. I have more energy best of all my trousers aren’t tight anymore. The one thing that does surprise me is that is I am not craving chocolate like I used to. Thanks heaps and keep up the motivation – there are days when I definitely need it.”

Cindy Jones
Cindy Jones
“Before I found Isabel’s nutrition tips online, I ate a diet consisting of a dangerously low amount of fat each day. I thought all fat was bad. Now I know Almonds, Flax seeds & Walnuts are good for me! At first I was scared to eat HEALTHY fats but once I did the pounds started coming off to my surprise! Calories used to be the first thing I looked at on a box, not caring what the ingredients were. Now Isabel has helped me train my mind differently. THE INGREDIENTS are the FIRST place you look! Her program broke my plateau. I’ve never been overweight but I felt like the scale was STUCK at 145 pounds no matter how much I worked out. Now I’m finally at my dream weight. I’m happy, I’m not starving, all of my co-workers and ex-boyfriends are jealous and I love my life!”

Lucie Marcoux
Lucie Marcoux
“I’m a thin 43 year old woman. Since my 20s, I’ve had an interest in nutrition and learned a lot of things since then. I also began to see fat on my stomach and over the years it never disappeared, in fact I began to see more! I would go to the gym, but nothing would happen. I really learned a lot with the DSP. I adore pasta , bread and cereals and was able to make it through the 14 days without them! I lost 3.1 cm on my waist. I feel better now without wheat, as I am not bloated. I love all the information I’ve read to help me to achieve my goals of burning fat and being in good health. Thank you, Isabel. Your DSP is fantastic and a treasure! “

Melinda Marshall
Melinda Marshall
“I started out on March 30, 2009 with Nutrasystem. I had ordered your e-book and felt like the foods with all the starches and soy with Nutrasystem would not be as good for me as eating the foods that you suggested. I couldn’t wait to run out of the Nutrasystem foods so that I could start your Diet Solution. I have been on your program since July. I have lost a total of 22.5 lbs. since March 30. I have been continuing to lose weight being on your program. I would still like to lose another 12 lbs. so I am still working on those stubborn pounds. It has really been a slow process, but I know that I have been eating better than I ever have in my life. My husband can’t get over how much better I look. The Diet Solution has changed my life so much for the better. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for almost 41 years, wear an insulin pump and my blood sugars have never been so good in all those years. I feel like I am doing more for my overall health than ever. I am also exercising, which has never lasted for me more than a couple of weeks, but now I am going on six months. I want to continue to eat by your plan and exercise for the rest of my life. I just wish I had started when I was your age. I am about to turn 66 years old. Another thing I have changed since being on your program is the kind of salt that I use. I am like you, in that I LOVE salt. I am currently using Celtic Sea Salt and I love it. Also, I have started to buy more omega 3 rich fish and even grass fed beef when I can. I appreciate your newsletters and all the suggestions and hints that you have in them. I am so glad that I heard of you through Mike Geary’s newsletters. You have been a great help for me in so many ways. I just received my first bottle of EFA Icon krill oil from Prograde because of your suggestion. I have thought about ordering their Longevity, but have not done so yet. Thank you for everything, Isabel, and thank you for being there.”

Dani Solano
Dani Solano
“I just wanted to say thank you! Your program has worked great for me. I am one of those people that has struggled with my weight all of my life. I remember in second grade my class did charts of everyone’s height and weight, and I weighed the most even back then! The only time in my life I was anywhere close to a healthy weight was in high school when I was playing soccer and we trained a couple hours a day, 6-7 days a week. When I went to college, what is the freshman 15 for most people was more like the freshman 40 for me. At my fattest (I think around sophomore year of college), I weighed in close to 200 pounds (I am only 5’ 4’’). I have tried losing weight several times, but nothing seemed to work for very long. I’ve especially had problems dieting…whenever I cut calories, I get tired and cranky, and even if I lose any weight, it just comes right back. I’ve tried a variety of pills and shakes (none of them worked) and those stupid lean cuisine things always leave me hungry. To make matters worse, I am a graduate student, and life is pretty stressful. My qualifying exam was in February of 2008, and I put on a TON of weight while preparing for it. I was eating a lot of fast food because had no time for anything else (was always studying), and I think the stress itself added a couple extra pounds. I actually had a nightmare where I woke up the morning of my qualifying exam and had to wear jeans because I was too fat to fit into my nice pair of dress pants! The other sort of wake-up call for me happened around the same time when my dad told me he was prediabetic, and I am EXACTLY like my dad, so I was really worried about becoming prediabetic too. After passing my qualifying exam, I decided I really needed to do something about my weight (which at the time was about 190). I spent a lot of time searching online for something that I thought would work, and finally was lucky enough to happen upon Mike Geary’s webpage. I ended up buying his “Truth about Six-Pack Abs” program, and your program which he highly recommended. Using your nutrition advice and his workouts (I also sometimes use Jon Benson’s “7 Minute Muscle” workouts), I have lost nearly 40 pounds and gone from a size 14 pants to a size 8. I still would like to drop one more pant size, but I think I’m doing pretty well so far!”


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