Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quality Product That Converts Great. Quit Trichotillomania

If trichotillomania is affecting you or a loved ones life, then this will be one of the most important letters you’ll ever read…

“…Announcing a natural trichotillomania treatment that is proven to stop your hair pulling within minutes…”

Dear Reader:
I am writing this letter for two reasons….
1. To let others suffering from trichotillomania or trichophagia know that there is real help that doesn’t require expensive therapies or dangerous medications.
2.To share with you my personal story of how I was able to recover from the vicious illness, and hopefully inspire you to do the same.

The secret to getting rid of your trichotillomania isn’t to by using will power… it isn’t by taking dangerous drugs or talking to a therapist for hours…

Most people try these things and wonder why their trich wont go away.
But I was able to get rid of my trichotillomania almost instantly, once I used these three simple steps.
So how did I do it?
Well for the record, I’m actually a pretty regular girl.. You know, I’m not a doctor,

So how did I go from being anxious all of the time and plucking hairs from my head every day…To feeling at ease and pull free?

Well, let me start of by saying that I know that YOU want to be pull free too, but what do most people do? They put off getting rid of their trich or just use the wrong approach.
Sure once and a while you’ll have a little luck and quit pulling for a couple weeks.
But then, it comes back.
In fact, most people give up. And settle with having bald patches and living a life of anxiety.
I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way,


I had trichotillomania from age 15 to 22….The doctors and everyone made it seem like i wanted to pull my hair out! But really, it felt like my brain was tightening and tugging ever so gently on my nerves if i didn’t pull!
Whenever I was stressed, anxious or bored, I would go into a trance like state. Next thing I knew, half of my eyelashes were missing, or I would have a bald patch on the top of my head!
It upset me when people would tell me to stop pulling…it wasn’t my choice! I tried covering up the results of my pulling with hats and makeup, I was so embarrassed! I wanted more than anything to stop the urge, I just wanted to feel normal again…IT WAS AS IF I WAS CURSED!
When I was sixteen my mother made me see a psychiatrist..what a waste of money! I was also put on an antidepressant medication. I tried everything..nothing seemed to work..I even missed my senior prom due to the fact I was missing half of my eyelashes and the top of my head was so sparse I couldn’t cover it up. I really hated how everywhere I went people looked at me different.
Trichotillomania was really starting to affect my social life, my love life was non existent, and I had a feeling my future would be in jeopardy if I didn’t find a solution fast. My family was spending thousands to do whatever they could. I wondered if there were more people like me…

“Thats when I decided I was going to find a solution, one that I could share with other people suffering from this vicious that didn’t require expensive therapy or dangerous medication.”

HOW I FINALLY FOUND A SOLUTION, And why you cant lose hope….

In college, I enrolled in a speed reading class that changed my life. I read an array of over 160 self improvement and cognitive therapy books, each of which i collected the most important techniques on changing behavior.

I started applying them to myself. And before long, I suddenly found myself without the urge to pull..A miracle? No. Just a concept and proved method that actually worked.

Although it took me a over a year and $1,800 in books to put together few simple yet powerful ideas, it was worth it.
I had figured out a step by step system to remove ALL of my trichotillomania symptoms. And all without weird hypnosis, medications, psychiatrists, or hair restoration. This time it was permanent! Sound unbelievable? Let me explain in just a moment…
But before I forget…
I have been pull free for 2 years and 6 months now, I can say with pride that i am now a much happier person. I even carry myself differently. I recently attended my best friends wedding where I was the maid of honor, I was able to style my hair down the middle and curl it..I even brought a date :) This has been the best few years of my life since I got rid of trichotillomania. The best part is being able to spend my day thinking about something other than my hair and eyelashes. I am no longer obsessed or feel the need to pull.
I feel more so much more alive, I can now channel my energy towards other more positive things. As a result of my success, I dedicated a year developing a system to help others alike stop pulling.
For more information: 


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