Thursday, March 21, 2013

Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict

"How to Survive a Relationship

 with an Alcoholic or Drug Addict"

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Are you married to ... or in a relationship with an alcoholic or drug addict? Have you reached your wits end as to what you can do to help the alcoholic/addict you love to overcome their addiction? Do you wonder how to cope amidst the chaos you now find yourself in?The reality is that being involved with someone struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction is one of the most difficult and painful things imaginable to deal with. You've watched the person you once fell in love with destroy themselves with alcohol or drugs ...
Maybe their self-destruction is still in the early stages and you're hopeful that with the right support you can help them find a way out. Or maybe their addiction has gotten progressively worse over a number of years now ... and every possible thing you've tried (pleading, threatening, cajoling) has ultimately proved futile.
So what now?
You've done everything you can, yet nothing seems to change. But not only are you watching the person you love deteriorate further into a life of addiction - you (and critically if you have children) are being drawn deeper and deeper into all the negativity and destruction that accompanies being involved with an alcoholic or drug addict.

Challenges of Being In A Relationship With An Addict

  • Anger and resentment impede your ability to have a healthy relationship.

  • Children are ultimately the one's most badly affected by what's happening.

  • Promises to quit mean nothing. Action is what counts.

You're no doubt reading this because you're at a loss as to what else you can do. On a good day, the alcoholic or drug addict you care so much about shows immense remorse for their actions and promises that they'll quit drinking or using drugs.But by now you've learnt better and realise that those promises never amount to anything ...
On a bad day you wonder how it ever got to this and if the insanity, pain and frustration that accompanies being in a relationship with someone you love struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction will ever end ...
The problem is for all the bad days you experience, every so often a good one will appear out of nowhere, and you'll be reminded of the loving, caring and considerate person you fell in love with.
So you cling onto that feeling - and when all the negativity and pain start again you hold onto the belief that things will one day change.
Days pass ... and the days turn into months ... and the months turn into years. But nothing has changed. At least not for the better. Things have just gotten progessively worse.
Being in love with an alcoholic or drug addict is an emotional roller-coaster. The promise your relationship held when you first got together is turning into a distant memory, if it hasn't done so already. You wish things could be different but are at a loss as to what further you can do to make a difference.

Time For Answers

My name is CP Lehmann. I'm the editor and owner of the website
When I started the website my intention was to help others struggling with their own addictions because I'd been through my own drug and alcohol problems - and understand what it takes to recover from addiction successfully.
But as the website grew, something unexpected started becoming very apparent ...
It wasn't those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction themselves searching for answers to their problems - nearly as much as loved one's and family members like you, who were looking for information on how to help and deal with someone they care about battling with addiction.
I certainly didn't expect that to be the case, and it made me realise that there is very little information out there specifically designed to help loved one's and family members of alcoholics and drug addicts deal with the situation they find themselves in.
And I think due to the fact that we've started catering for this need and trying to help people like you better understand and cope with the challenge of being in a relationship with an addict, that we've grown so rapidly and now reach so many people all over the world.
Now I'm not going to lie to you and promise you some magical cure to the challenges and problems you face ...
But I do think through the experience I've gained in helping and advising others like you what they can do to improve their lives and better deal with the challenges of being in a relationship with an addict/alcoholic - your life has the potential to take on a whole new direction from this point.

  • Children of alcoholics or addicts are four times more likely to end up with an addiction themselves.

  • 3 in 10 adults drink at levels that put them at risk of developing alcoholism, liver disease and other related problems.

  • Alcohol abuse or drinking to excess causes over 80,000 deaths a year in the US alone.

Learning To Live Life On Your Terms Again

There are some crucial things you need to know if you're ever going to survive being in a relationship with a drug addict or alcoholic. Because understand this, nothing will change if you don't change and start to do things differently.

For more information: 


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