How to eliminate 1/3 of your power bill by making your own solar hot water system!"
Heating water takes an immense amount of energy and that's why it makes sense to build a solar hot water system for your home.
A solar water heater can reduce your electricity bill by up to 33% andsetting up the system is dead simple. Using easy to find parts you can make the solar heater in your backyard for under $100. |
your own solar hot water system and how
this can benefit our environment.
This web site has been created to help you help our environment. The sun produces an extremely large about of energy yet only .1% of our energy production is solar! Isn't this just crazy? On top of the great environmental impact you will save hundreds off your power bill.
These DIY plans have recently been made available online so you can get started with your project in just a few minutes.
Why build a solar hot water
system for your home?
system for your home?
You can reduce your power bill by up to a third! | |
It will cost you no more than $100 to build the water heater. | |
This is a practical way to help our environment. | |
It's simple and you can make it just one weekend. | |
You can use the system anywhere in the world. | |
This is a great DIY project and you will have fun building it. | |
Enjoy the massive savings off your power bill. | |
You can get started in a few minutes from now! |
I live in a cold climate, is this going to work for me?
Solar heaters have been proven to benefit in both hot and cold climates. The heater will still keep the water warm and will reduce your heating costs. You will notice the savings from your very first power bill.
The design of a solar water heater is very simple and with my instructions you will only need to set aside a few days to complete it. Most parts are readily available from your local hardware store and you can complete the heater for as little as $100. This is a very small price to pay when you consider the savings you get in return.
Solar water heaters are not new technology. In fact, these water heaters have been around for over 100 years. You can use this proven technology! When I made my first solar hot water system I did make quite a few mistakes but after learning from these mistakes I have been able to write instructions that you can easily copy. Some instruction guides on this |
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